Thought it’s short history, Meridona has been home to a wide variety of people, from powerful tycoons to cult leaders to eccentric hermits. Below you will find the biographies of some of Meridona’s most influential and colorful figures from it’s settlement to today.

Clyde Albaugh
Manasses Blanc | Amália Bermudes | Patrick Booney
Constance Dautani | Augustin Diaz | Loudon Djara
Shepherd Fink | Dr. Ralston Fontaine | Hana Fowler
István Karmazin
Jillian Leonov
Anton Nasau | Drago Nicastro
Torbin Quinn
Florian Sabados | Sahan de Silva
Willie “Rags” Teague | Morris Thaman | Isaac Trusao
Apollinaire Vaillant