
Founded by: Salvadore Joval (1949)
Population (2015 census): 136,027

Valhona is Meridona's 3rd largest city and world-class tourist destination. Located on Imperial Bay, the city features white sand beaches, modern architecture, and a sleepless nightlife.

Valhona waterfront and skyline

Valhona was founded by de Silva Resources CEO Salvadore Joval, who grew up nearby in the small town of Barbarossa. While visiting one of the company mines, Joval became covered in dirt and grime. Returning to his posh hotel room nearby in Marshdale to clean up, Joval was barred from entering the hotel. Furious, Joval called in his accountant, purchased the hotel on the spot, and promptly closed it. 

Still not satisfied, Joval then established several of his own resorts on Imperial Bay near his hometown of Barbarossa, designed by world-renowned architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Eero Saarinen, and Le Corbusier. By the time of Joval's death in 1982, he was completely broke, having spent his lifetime earnings  (believed to be in the billions of dollars) on Valhona's construction.