
Wanting to distance himself and his utopian vision from the imperialistic societies he and his followers had left behind, Thelonius Alasdair planned for a more communal and democratic government. He had earned a great deal of respect for the Algonquian tribes during a brief visit to the Americas, and assumed the title of sagamore in honor of their chiefs. Not wanting his time to be consumed by politics, Alasdair appointed the Governing Committee, or GC, and Judicial Panel to run the island's day-to-day operations. As sagamore, he only intervened as the final say on issues stalled in debate by the GC. Along with making appointments and acting as final decision-maker, the sagamore also serves as Meridona's head of public relations.

The title of sagamore has been passed down through the Alasdair family since the island's settlement, and is currently held by Imaculada "Ima" Alasdair. She has held the title since her father, Wyatt Alasdair, passed away in 2011. At only 22 years of age, she is the 2nd youngest sagamore in Meridona's history behind Vance Alasdair, who assumed the title when he was only 16.