The Cartwright Settlement is a archaeological site in Old World National Park. The site consists of 11 ancient dwellings that date back to the Middle Pleistocene era, ~roughly 500k years ago.
The settlement was discovered by Meridonan archaeologist Dr. Norwich Cartwright in 1903. Despite being studied for over a century, very little is known about the site. While several dwellings were discovered, no remains or other archeological evidence of the inhabitants has been found, leading some to question the legitimacy of the site. Research of the site is privately funded and is still overseen by the Cartwright family.
The Cartwright Curse
From 1911-1915, the site claimed the lives 13 workers, including Dr. Cartwright. Rumors of a curse began to circulate throughout the island. The fear of the Cartwright Curse became so great that research on the site stopped completely from 1916-1920, before being resumed by Dr. Cartwright's 20 year old son, Orlin. No deaths have occurred on-site since 1971, when a worker suffered a heart attack.