Founded by: Yolandis Bakhtari (1934)
Population (2015 census): 3,506
Posnan Falls is suburb of Alasdairo and former nature reserve. Throughout the 1920's American environmentalist Raymond Posnan began to buy up plots of land to protect the region from the expansion of Alasdairo. He was briefly successful, establishing the Posnan Nature Reserve in 1930. The nature reserve was home to a number of small waterfalls, the largest of which are named after Posnan, himself.
Posnan was killed in an airplane crash in 1934, and did not have a will. At this time, Yolandis Bakhtari, a close friend of Posnan, was in deep financial trouble. Recognizing a financial opportunity, Bakhtari forged papers granting him possession of the nature reserve, which he quickly sold off to developers, and the town of Posnan Falls was formed. Bakhtari's crime was not discovered until several years after his death.