Founded by: Solstice Oil Co. (1974)
Population (2015 census): 10,000
Despite it's smaller population, Westcove serves as one of Meridona's most important cities. It is home to Port Xenia, the main port of the island's natural resource industries.
The town was founded in 1974 by the Solstice Oil Co. of Brazil, who discovered vast deep sea oil reserves off the coast a year earlier. Meridona needed a port for its emerging natural resource industries, and reached a deal with Solstice Oil to establish a town and port. To avoid environmental damage to the more populated coastlines, Westcove was planned for an unpopulated coast near the island's gem-producing region.
The town's population rapidly rose as the high paying jobs of the docks and Sostice refineries attracted thousands of job-seekers. Westcove experienced rising crime rates and population control issues throughout the early 2000's, leading Solstice to enact a population limit of 10,000. The majority of Westcove's workforce arrive to the town via the Lares High Speed Rail Line, which stops at the historic Commons Station downtown.
Employees of the Solstice Oil Co. make up Westcove's governing committee as well the security force. Solstice's complete control of the city has allowed the company to bypass Meridona's strict environmental laws. The power of Solstice Oil on the island has lead to wide-spread criticism in recent years, with activist groups calling for the Meridonan government to step in and take control of the city.