The flag of Meridona was created by Thelonius Alasdair in 1804. It's standard proportion is 3:4, and is purple, red, and white in color. It depicts 2 peregrine falcons perched on a fleur-de-lis with 5 red stripes.
Peregrine falcons are a common symbol throughout Meridona. Alasdair firmly believed that a pair of peregrines were instrumental in his survival while stranded on the island, leading him to fresh water and plentiful wildlife to hunt. The fleur-de-lis is used to symbolize Meridona's natural beauty and national flower, the Iris meridonis.
The symbolism of the 5 red stripes has never been officially declared, and has taken on multiple meanings, including the metropolitan regions (unlikely, as Valhona was not established until 1949), the 5 pillars of Islam, 5 wounds of Jesus Christ, the 5 elements, and many others. Alasdair was known to have an interest in numerology, so it is likely the meaning was known only to him.