Cavalry City

Founder: István Karmazin (1796)
Population (2015 census): 194,783

Cavalry City is Meridona's financial center and second largest city, located in Cavalry Bay on the island's north end. It was established by István Karmazin, a renowned commander, or agha, in the Ottoman Empire military, as a symbol to his new found life of peace.

Cavalry City skyline, the Bulleh Tower is pictured in the center
Karmazin's vision
Karmazin had spent nearly his entire life on various battlefields throughout the world before meeting Lord Thelonius Alasdair in 1792. It's believed that Alasdair introduced the commander to psychedelic drugs, leading to Karmazin experiencing a "spiritual awakening" in which he was told to leave his life of war behind and build a city of peace on Meridona.

In his vision, Karmazin describes fighting on a bloody battlefield when he is approached by a cavalry. His efforts to kill the cavalry men fail, as each swing of his sword passes straight through them. Karmazin is then decapitated, but his head remains alive. The cavalry takes his head to a mountain top, where he meets Bulleh Shah, who instructs Karmazin's head to leave behind the life of war for a new life of peace. Bulleh Shah then gives Karmazin's head a new body, and Karmazin awakes from his trance as a man of peace.

Fort Gedna & Cavalry City relations
Karmazin had owned the land that would become Cavalry City since 1793 and several months before his vision. He was originally tasked to lead Meridona's military by Alasdair, who felt cheated and betrayed by Karmazin's change of heart. For his revenge, Alasdair built Fort Gedna just outside of Karmazin's city of peace. In response, Karmazin banned all soldiers from the city. The feud would last until the pair called a truce, 23 years later and Cavalry City's soldier ban was lifted. Despite the truce, a rivalry between the towns has lingered.

Cavalry City today
Today, Cavalry City's Khaldun Avenue is home to the majority of Meridona banks as well as regional offices for NASDAQ and Dow Jones. Due to Meridona's limited tax laws, their banks are highly preferred by wealthy clients worldwide.

In 2011, construction was completed on the Bulleh Tower. Named after the central figure in Karmazin's vision, the building stands over 1,200 feet tall, making it the tallest building in Cavalry City. The tower includes a fine dining restaurant, museum, and art gallery.

The city is also home to Cavalry FC of the Meridona Island Fútbol Association (MIFA). Behind only Alasdairo FC in terms of success, Cavalry is the most well-funded of MIFA teams. They play their home games at the luxurious Tripura Stadium, built in 2013.

Cavalry City is served by Karmazin International Airport, one of two international airports on the island and the most modern. Built in 1995, KIA serves over a million passengers a year.