
Founded by: Thelonius Alasdair (1795)
Population (2015 census): 502,357

Alasdairo is the capital of Meridona and the largest city on the island. The layout of the city was planned by Thelonius Alasdair, who recruited the finest architects from throughout the world to bring his vision to life. It is home to the earliest known skyscrapers in history, with architect Baudouin Badeaux's Tower of Adam climbing over 500 feet high.

Alasdairo waterfront and skyline
Alasdair spent nearly 2 years planning out his city and recruiting architects. One of the first buildings on the island was The Homestead, an extravagant hotel that would serve as the home of Alasdairo's architects. Alasdair insisted that the city should be built vertically, in order to preserve the natural beauty of the area. To lead the construction of the city he recruited Hans Remus, known for his restoration work on a number of cathedrals throughout Europe, and Baudouin Badeaux, a friend of Alasdair and daredevil French architect shunned from the community after one of his towering buildings collapsed, killing over 50 people.

The Homestead
The pair proved to be perfectly matched, with the conservative Remus balancing out the wild ambition of Badeaux.  After finishing his designs, Badeaux would hand off his plans to Remus, who, treating them like one of his restoration projects, would add designs for safety and durability. Their first project was the 500 ft. high goliath, Tower of Adam, the first known skyscraper in history. Before Remus's death in 1812, he and Badeaux had designed 17 of Meridona's buildings, which now make up the historic Old Town Towers district. The Tower of Adam stood as the world's tallest building until 1880, when it was surpassed by the Cologne Cathedral.

Alasdairo's main purpose serves as the political center of Meridona, housing the Meridona Capitol Campus. "The Campus" as it is known locally, consists of political offices and a number of monuments to Meridona's most iconic historical figures. The Campus has twice been the site of terroristic attacks. In 1974, members of the Horologian cult threw gas cannisters in the main meeting chamber and attempted to lock the politicians inside. However, the victims easily escaped through windows with minimal injuries, and the cult members were quickly apprehended. The other attack occurred in 2008, when a bomb exploded near the de Souza Monument. A deceased man, believed to be a suicide bomber, was found at the scene and identified as Romeo de Souza, a mentally unstable member of the powerful family dynasty. It is believed he was making an attempt to destroy the monument to his family when the bomb detonated prematurely. Following the de Souza attack, security was increased, and the Campus has remained a safe haven in the years since.

Business center
Along with serving as Meridona's capital, Alasdairo is becoming an important center of the global business scene. Thanks in large part to some of the most relaxed tax laws in the world, Alasdairo has become home to several of Meridona's most important corporations, including Shearwater Airlines, Grodega, and Petroville, as well as a growing number of companies from overseas.

In 1905, the Meridonan government established the country's largest college, St. Denis University. The school has emerged as a renowned institution of learning, attracting students from throughout the world. St. Denis also provides free tuition for graduates of Meridonan schools, contributing to Meridona's reputation as one of the world's most educated nations. The university specializes in a wide array of scientific research, but more recently has seen a burgeoning arts department.

Alasdairo is also home to two teams in Meridona's professional fĂștbol league, the Meridona Island FĂștbol Association (MIFA). The Alasdairo Olympique Peregrines were established by former French footballer Lance Arnaud in 1948 and have won the MIFA a record 16 times while sending a number of players on to larger European markets. The much smaller St. Denis FC is also based in Alasdairo, but has struggled to compete in the MIFA, reaching the playoff round only once in their history. The club was recently purchased by American industrialist Paul Norquist.

Peregrine Colosseum, built in 2012